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Procedure Guidelines

9.42 LifeVac


  • The Lifevac is a non-powered single patient portable suction apparatus used to remove a foreign body airway obstruction.
  • If the victim is unable to ventilate any air, then perform Abdominal Thrusts. If Abdominal Thrusts fail after three attempts or the victim becomes unconscious then it is recommended to attempt use of the LifeVac. (Modifications of Chest thrusts for pregnancy or obese and 5 back slaps/5 chest compressions for infants).


  • Patients with an endotracheal tube already in place should not have the Lifevac used.
  • The patient is not choking and is breathing on their own.
  • It should not be used for uses other than resuscitating a choking victim.
  • The device is for use only on humans.
  • The device should only be used on the face.
  • A drowning victim.
  • Hypersensitivity to plastic.
  • Premature infants under 8 pounds.


  • Plastic plunger with a one-way valve.
  • Adult and Child Facemask.
Picture of LifeVac device

Training Video


  • Obtain the unit and select the mask appropriate for the size of the individual; for example: large for adults, medium for adolescents, and small for children.
  • Place the mask over the victim’s nose and mouth and with one hand hold both the jaw and the mask and pull upwards and forwards to open the airway.
  • Depress the plunger with the other hand and firmly pull back. Make sure the mask creates a seal around the nose and mouth in order to prevent air leaking around the seal and decreasing the suction. If the victim fails to ventilate after the first attempt repeat the previous steps. Check the mouth for the removed object.
  • If the victim is not spontaneously breathing attempt CPR in order to ventilate and check for rise and fall of the chest. Check for pulse, and if no pulse, begin CPR.